I love this time of year. A new year is approaching and it always feels like a clean slate and a fresh start.
I don't make resolutions anymore. I decided several years ago that if I wanted to improve on something or ditch an unhealthy habit, I would start now, not January 1st. Today is a good time to start anything. Why wait? But if you have to make preparations, tomorrow is the next best thing.
A new year means a new calendar. I get out my colored pens and stickers and immediately start writing down plans, appointments, etc. I order a new planner that focuses on fitness and meals. I'm not always good about keeping track of my fitness progress and what I'm eating, but I want to do better because it's rewarding to see how far I've come with my strength and endurance. It's also extremely helpful to know how foods make me feel and writing down what I eat each day provides me with that information.
I also try to time it so that I'm starting a new workout program in the new year. This new year is no exception. On Monday I'm starting an 8-week hybrid of two workout programs that I've done before, but never together in a hybrid. I'm really excited and can't wait to start. The programs focus on weight training, but there will be some HIIT exercises, along with core exercises, too. If I can dial in on my nutrition, I'm going to be one ripped grandma at the end of the eight weeks! Ultimately, though, my goal is to just keep getting stronger.
For the most part, though, I'm happy where I'm at in life and feel really content. When you get to be my age, it's a good spot to be in. However, I also feel it's good to push one's self out of your comfort zone, experience new things, and always, ALWAYS, learn. I feel like I learn something new every day - with my job, through the books I read, and the people I interact with.
Thank you for reading and taking this journey with me. May 2023 be a healthy, enriching and enlightening year for you!
See you in 2023!