Happy Wednesday! Normally I talk about my fitness journey updates on the weekends so that I can summarize the week's workouts, but my life is about to get a bit crazy in a couple of days and blogging is most likely not going to be on the agenda. Stay tuned.....
Plus, I'm overdue for an update, anyway. I haven't blogged since I finished my last workout program a few weeks ago. On February 27, I started a new program that focuses on strength training only. It's all lifting, baby! Body Beast is an older program on BODi and the trainer, Sagi, is your stereotypical muscle head, but his workouts are simple and effective and he makes me laugh with his cheesiness. "This is a beasty workout, not a girlie workout!" "Your triceps burn? Are you going to call your mom?" "I smell getting stronger!"
Here are some examples of some of the workout days:
There are a lot more reps with this program, so the idea is to start out lighter on the exercise and then increase your weight as the reps decrease. I had to dust off my resistance tracker to use for the pull-ups and chin-ups, since I don't have a bar to do these things. However, the resistance tracker works great.
The last exercise of each workout is a core move.
The program lasts for 12 weeks. It starts with the Build phase (3 weeks), then the Bulk phase (6 weeks) and ends with Beast phase (3 weeks).
I can't emphasize enough how important it is to have a structured program to follow. And to write down your weights. Sagi tells us over and over after each exercise - write down your weights! It not only gives you a starting point, but also a path for progression.
AND EAT MORE PROTEIN. What a game changer this has been for me. Tracking my protein and calories has become a habit and since I tend to eat the same foods most days, I know at this point which foods and how much food is going to get me enough protein for the day without going over my daily calorie goal. Apps make it so much easier now!
Speaking of calories, I feel like I'm finally eating enough to fuel my body and build my muscle. For so long, I thought I was eating enough calories, but until I started tracking, I didn't realize that I wasn't coming close to what I needed. It felt weird at first to be eating so much, and it was a challenge mentally to feel okay with eating more calories, but I've realized that the calories are necessary if I want to lose fat and build muscle. Like Sagi tells us after each workout - go eat your food!
The key lesson I've taken away from this ongoing process is patience. Results aren't going to happen in a few weeks or even a few months. It's a slow process, but changes are happening! I feel stronger. I feel lighter. My clothes fit differently (in a good way!)
Even with taking most of last week off because I traveled for work, I felt like I didn't miss a beat when I got back home and started back up. My strength and endurance didn't suffer and I still felt great!
Staying fit and healthy is so important to me so that I can keep up with my granddaughter. She's three months old now, can you believe it? What a blessing she has been and I'm having so much fun being a grandma.