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Daily diary - Monday 11/6/23

Another week begins! I had a good night's sleep and did my usual routine of feeding the dogs, drinking a cup of coffee while watching the news, and then things sort of went haywire after that. Chewie started throwing up. On the area rug. And not just once. Ugh. So I dragged up the carpet cleaner from the basement and cleaned up the spots. Then Chewie decided he needed to throw up one more time. He seems to be feeling better now. I'll keep an eye on him to see how he does and will call the vet if he doesn't improve. At this point, the staff at the vet's office know us way too well!

I emptied the dishwasher and drank my pre-workout supplement. Then I cranked out my workout. I started with a 15-min, 1-mile at-home walking workout to warm up and then did LIIFT4 Week 6, Day 1, which was Chest & Triceps Circuit. I picked up some heavier weights and had a good workout. I'm definitely going to feel that one tomorrow (or maybe even later today!)

Breakfast was overnight oats, which was delicious and definitely a keeper recipe!

My stomach feels really good today. Usually by Sunday night and into Monday morning, my stomach feels gassy and bloated due to what I ate and drank over the weekend. While this past weekend wasn't perfect, it was definitely a big improvement and that's why my stomach is feeling good. I'm tired, but I think that's just my body adjusting to the time change. (WHY DO WE HAVE TO CONTINUE TO HAVE THE TIME CHANGE??)

Lunch was a buddha bowl with quinoa, tofu, roasted veggies, and hummus. After I ate, I went for a short walk outside, since it's such a nice day today. I didn't even need a jacket! My Fitbit said I walked around 2,000 steps.

Chewie seems to be feeling back to his old self, so whatever was upsetting his stomach seems to be resolved. He went to the groomer today and looks so much better. We have to take him every six weeks because his hair grows out so fast and we like to keep it shorter. I would post a picture, but every time he sees the phone, he turns away. What a turd. LOL You'll have to just trust me that he's a handsome boy.

Afternoon snack was a container of peach Greek yogurt.

With the time change, it's dark now when I get off of work, so I did a 1-mile at-home walking workout. After feeding the dogs, I made David and me tacos for dinner.

After dinner I read and was in bed by 9:00 p.m.

Fitbit stats for the day:

Steps: 8,705

Active zone minutes: 75

Sleep the night before: 7h22m

Sleep score: 85

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