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Daily diary - Thursday 11/16/23

I woke up this morning with a headache, but once I got moving around and did my workout, I felt back to normal. Today's workout was an upper body workout and we worked shoulders, biceps and triceps. I pushed myself on the curls, which I was really happy about.

After my workout, I made a smoothie with chocolate protein powder, unsweetened soy milk, spinach, and frozen blueberries.

Morning snack was two hard-boiled eggs and some cooked chicken breast that I had left over that needed to be eaten before it spoiled.

Lunch was a protein bowl with tofu, black beans, salad mix, cherry tomatoes, and hummus.

In the afternoon, I took a break from work and went to my haircut appointment. I had a different person that I haven't had before because my regular stylist has been out for a medical issue. I was happy to see that she's back, though! Anyway, I was wanting to do something a bit shorter and the stylist, bless her heart, chopped my hair way too short! I'll be honest, I wanted to cry. There's nothing worse than a bad haircut. But you know what? It's just hair. It will grow out in no time, and I'll be back to having my regular hairstylist, so life goes on.

I came home and finished my work day and then did an at-home walking video to get in some more steps before dinner.

Dinner was tuna melts with french fries. By Thursdays, I'm tired of cooking and like to have something simple. Anyone else feel that way?

I tracked my macros again today and not only was I able to fit in the french fries, but I ended up with leftover calories for the day, but I didn't feel like eating anything else. Poor planning on my part. The haircut in the middle of the afternoon messed up my routine and I didn't eat a snack, other than an apple. I was happy, though, that I got pretty close to my protein for the day.

I stayed up way too late watching the Iowa women's basketball game (they lost - boo.) It was almost 10:00 before I went to bed. I'll probably pay for that tomorrow.

Fitfit stats for the day:

Steps: 8,223

Active zone minutes: 81

Sleep: 7h26m

Sleep score: 79

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