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Daily diary - Thursday 11/2/23

I woke up this morning feeling fairly rested. I did the usual morning routine - I fed the dogs, drank a cup of coffee and watched the news. Ate a banana with peanut butter, emptied the dishwasher, and drank my pre-workout supplement. My workout today is normally my favorite day of the week: shoulders plus HIIT intervals. I even picked up a heavier weight for the first couple of exercises. But then it all went to shit after that. I felt tired and ran out of gas. The HIIT moves were a struggle and I had to use lighter weights.

My affirmation for today was "I am patient". Boy, did that one ever hit the mark. The Universe has a plan for me, but plans take time. I need to breathe and trust that things are unfolding the way they are for a purpose.

Okay, deep breath.

Haley did a post on Facebook about Maggie. It was a beautiful tribute, but it got the waterworks going and I feel like the rest of the day is going to be all about holding myself together.

Another deep breath.

Breakfast was a post-workout smoothie with vanilla protein powder, unsweetened soy milk, spinach, and frozen mixed berries.

Lunch was leftover stir fry, without rice, and then I ate the last of the cherry tomatoes from our tomato plant, along with some peppers with hummus.

I really, really wanted some Halloween candy, but instead had a protein bar. It is like eating a candy bar, though. So good!

After work, David and I went for a walk on the local trail again. It's so beautiful and quiet, with the trees losing their leaves, the birds and squirrels that are all around, and we even saw some deer. We figured we'd take advantage of it because after Sunday, it will be dark when I get off of work. We walked about two miles.

I didn't have anything planned for dinner (again, I really sucked this week with meal planning) so we stopped at the store and picked up a salad kit. They aren't the healthiest, but it's much better than takeout, and I got in some veggies. I added a soy "chicken" patty for some extra protein.

The Taylor Farms Dill Pickle salad kit is my favorite, but the store didn't have that one, so I got my second favorite.

After dinner, I read for a little bit, but by 8:30 I was ready for bed. I feel like I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was dead tired!

Fitbit stats for the day:

Steps: 7,912

Active Zone Minutes: 82

Sleep the night before: 7h24m

Sleep score: 84

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