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Daily diary - Thursday 11/9/23

I think I can officially say that the dogs have adjusted to the new time change schedule. No one is getting up too early and I'm able to sleep until my alarm goes off. Hooray! I slept well and woke up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day!

I fed the dogs, drank a cup of coffee while watching the news, ate a banana with peanut butter and then emptied the dishwasher. I drank my pre-workout supplement and did my workout. Today was shoulders lifting and HIIT intervals and it went so much better than last week! Last week I hit a wall and just couldn't seem to find my mojo. Today, though, I was able to pick up some heavier weights for some of the reps and I felt good during the HIIT moves.

Because I'm writing down what I'm doing every day, I looked back to see what I did differently last week. Last Wednesday, I was tired and feeling sad due to the loss of our grandpup. I don't think I ate enough that day or had enough protein. Lastly, I didn't let myself recover, even though it was a scheduled rest day for me.

Yesterday I ate plenty of calories and protein. I walked and did a mobility workout for my recovery. I also got a really good night's sleep so today I felt more rested and energized.

Never underestimate the power of nutrition and rest.

Breakfast was a smoothie made with chocolate protein powder, unsweetened soy milk, spinach and frozen blueberries.

By 11:30 I was really hungry, so I went ahead and ate lunch. I had a taco bowl with leftover taco meat, lettuce, grape tomatoes, cucumber, quinoa, plain Greek yogurt and salsa. After I ate, I did a 15-minute walk.

Afternoon snack was a protein bar and a cup of herbal tea.

After work, David and I decided to see if we could get our walk in before it got dark. We were able to get in a couple of miles before the sun set!

Dinner was an egg and veggie hash:

This one of my favorite meals. It's just frozen veggies roasted on a cookie sheet. Once the veggies are close to being done, you make wells for the eggs and then bake until the eggs are set. I sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese on top once it comes out of the oven. We ate this with 12-grain toasted bread and turkey bacon. So good!

After dinner, David and I ate a few chocolate-covered almonds while we watched the Iowa women's basketball game. I stayed up a bit past my bedtime to watch them win the game! I was in bed around 9:15.

Fitbit stats:

Steps: 10,031

Active zone minutes: 105

Sleep: 7h25m

Sleep score: 89

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