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Daily diary - Wednesday 11/8/23

I think (knock on wood!) that the dogs are back on schedule. I was able to sleep until my alarm went off this morning. I had a great night of sleep. Staying on track nutritionally, cutting out my nightly glass or two of wine and only having them on the weekend has really improved my sleep quality. I've also noticed that the afternoon drowsiness has lessened. But this is not news to me. I know that doing these things makes me feel better. It's doing it consistently all week and not just on weekdays that is my goal.

Normal routine this morning: fed dogs, drank a cup of coffee while watching the news, and emptied the dishwasher. Today was a rest day from LIIFT4 and I knew I wouldn't be doing anything intense, so I skipped the pre-workout snack and drink supplement. I did a 30-minute at-home walking workout and actually got a bit sweaty! Then I did a much-needed mobility workout.

My mobility. Ugh, it's so bad! I really need to work on it. I get so focused on building muscle that I forget that flexibility is important, too. So I'm vowing right here, right now, that I'm going to add a recovery/stretching workout at least a couple of times a week.

Breakfast was overnight oats (same recipe as yesterday).

For lunch, I had a buddha bowl. This time I used raw spinach, quinoa, 1 can tuna, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and salsa. I also had a banana. After I ate, I did a quick 10-minute at-home walking workout.

This afternoon the weather is rainy and dreary. I have a chill that I can't seem to get rid of, so I had a cup of coffee with unsweetened almond milk and stevia. I'm hoping it doesn't affect my sleep tonight!

Afternoon snack was an apple with almond butter. And then I still felt hungry, so I had two hard-boiled eggs.

After work, I did a 1-mile at-home walking workout. It might seem like I do these a lot during the day, but really it's just short bursts of movement that last around 10-15 minutes each. Most of the time, I don't even break a sweat, but my heart rate raises a little and it helps me get in a decent step count each day. I like them because it means I'm not sitting around all day, and if the weather is crappy outside, or I just don't feel like leaving the house, I can still get some steps and movement in.

Since the weather is so crappy today, dinner called for grilled cheese and tomato soup.

After dinner I read and then I was in bed before 9:00 p.m.

Fitbit stats:

Steps: 8,253

Active zone minutes: 41

Sleep: 7h16m

Sleep score: 87

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