Somehow it's the second week of December and I feel like it was just Thanksgiving. Anyone else feel that way?
I spent a few days over the Thanksgiving week with my dad and stepmom in Missouri. My youngest daughter came with me. David decided to stay home with the dogs. Plus, I think he knew I could use a break away from everything. He was right. It was just what I needed, even if it was only a few days.
The highlight of the trip was visiting a winery, Bear Creek Wine Company and Brewery. The wine was the best I've ever had at any winery and I've visited a lot of wineries in my lifetime! The food was excellent as well.
After the Thanksgiving break, it was back to normal life. On December 2, I joined a workout group on Facebook and we are participating in Joel Freeman's Advent Calendar workouts. Each day we wake up not having any idea what workout we'll be doing that day. We just know that it will be from one of Joel's popular workout programs on BODi: LIIFT4, LIIFT More, or 10 Rounds. On Sundays, we have a rest day. It's been a lot of fun and I'm really enjoying the surprise workouts each day.
I've been giving a lot of thought about 2024 and what the year has meant to me. While David's health issues remained at the forefront, the two of us have done a better job this year of adjusting to what is most likely our new normal. For the most part, I think we've come to a place of acceptance and just try to make the best of the situation.
I've learned that while it's important for me to provide David with care and support, it's also important to take a break. Going away for a few days over Thanksgiving provided me the rest and space that was much needed. Involving myself in things that get me out of the house have also been vital. I belong to a couple of book clubs that I really enjoy and I try to have coffee or lunch with a friend as often as I can.
I've learned that managing my stress is just as important as working out and eating healthy. I can't tell you how many times I felt like I was having an anxiety attack over the last year and a half. I felt like I couldn't breathe and my stomach was in knots. There were moments when I was seriously worried that the stress was going to start causing me some serious issues. It was scary. All I could think of was that I need to be around for David, the dogs, my kids and my precious granddaughter. I had to get a handle on things - pronto!
And I have - mostly. I'm human, after all. But my mindset is starting to shift little by little. I don't worry about work as much. I don't get frustrated as much. I have a bit more patience. I know it's going to take time and practice, just like everything else in life, but it's been so much better over the last couple of months. The game changer? Asking myself this question: "What can I focus on at this moment?" Not, "Well, this happened in the past, so I just know that ______ is going to happen again" or worse yet, imagining what could possibly happen in the future. When I feel my thoughts spiraling out of control, I pull my focus back to what's going on right now. What are the sounds I hear? What do I see in the room I'm in? What is out of my control and out of my hands? Is there anything I can work on at this moment? If the answer is no, there's really nothing that I can do right now, I let it go and focus on something else. Like I said, it takes practice, but it's helping so much.
Finally, I learned that I thrive and I'm the most happy and excited to get out of bed in the morning when I have goals. I've stopped fighting it. It's just who I am. I need goals. I need to have something that pushes me out of my comfort zone and motivates me to practice consistency and discipline. When I don't have goals I'm working towards, I feel lost and unbalanced.
I'm so pumped for the upcoming year! It's going to be epic!