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LIIFT4 Week 1, Day 1

I decided to restart one of my all-time favorite workout programs, LIIFT4. There are so many things that I love about the program, including the following:

  • The 8-week program is very basic. It combines lifting moves with HIIT and core. You do 10 slow reps with each set, so you can pick heavier weights, but because the pace is slower, you can also focus on form. The HIIT moves add short bursts of cardio to the workout. And each workout ends with core. So overall, it's a great workout.

  • There are four days scheduled each week, which leaves you three other days of the week to rest or do other forms of physical activity.

  • Joel Freeman, the trainer, is my favorite in the BODi world. He is funny, tough, motivating, and easy on the eyes. (wink, wink)

  • The cast is awesome. Everyone has a sense of humor, which is needed when you're trying to get through a tough workout. The women are badass and inspire me to push myself a bit harder with each workout.

  • I've lost count on how many times I've done this program. I never seem to get bored with it.

On Monday we focused on chest and triceps. The HIIT moves were challenging, but I had music playing that kept me energized and pumped. (If you're curious about my choice of workout music, checkout the Fit Granny playlist on Spotify.)

I'm also going to experiment with my nutrition. I don't want to get obsessed about it, as I'm in a really good mental place regarding (not) dieting and just finding a balance between eating what I want and eating healthy. However, in the past I've also felt my best when I ate smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day and I've gotten away from that, so I'd like to try it again as I do the LIIFT4 program over the next 8 weeks to see how I feel.

Yesterday I started out with black coffee and then ate a banana with peanut butter before my workout. I also drank some pre-workout about 20 minutes before my workout.

After my workout, I had a protein shake made with chocolate plant-based protein powder and unsweetened soy milk. For breakfast I had a piece of whole grain toast topped with half of an avocado and a hard-boiled egg.

For lunch I had some leftover cheese tortellini and turkey meatball soup. I bulked it up with some kale and peas. After lunch I did a 15-minute at-home walking workout. The dogs and I went out to the backyard and walked around. Every day we wake up to more flowers blooming.

Shortly after lunch I still felt hungry, so I had some Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries. Later in the afternoon I had some sliced cucumbers with hummus, along with a small handful of Brazil nuts.

After work, David and I walked to the library. I had a book to return and also a book to pick up. My friend who works at the library had sent me a text earlier in the day to let me know that they had just added a book to the library and it looked like something I'd be interested in.

Yes please!

When we got home, we wanted to enjoy the nice weather, so we had a drink out on the back patio while the dogs ran around and looked for rabbits and squirrels.

Dinner was shrimp stir fry.

Overall it was a really good day. I had a productive day at work. The weather was great. I ended up getting over 8,000 steps in. I made healthy, nutritious choices. I added another book to my reading pile. What more could a girl want?

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