My oldest daughter and her husband are expecting their first child in January. My husband and I are so excited to be grandparents! The baby shower was this past weekend and I think it made things feel even more real. Soon I'll be referred to as "grandma" or "granny" or some other similar name.
I've been working on my health for about a decade. It started with changing my diet to vegetarian, then to vegan, then back to vegetarian, and now I'm what I guess you'd call a pescatarian. I eat a mainly plant-based diet with the occasional fish. I ran for a few years, even participating in a couple of marathons. When my knees decided that they were done, I started strength training and low impact cardio and have been working on muscle building and endurance strength ever since.
Like many women my age, I struggle with continued weight gain and slowing metabolism. It's an up and down relationship that I have with my body. Some days I accept things the way they are, other days I feel like I should be more disciplined. Some days I look in the mirror and don't even recognize myself ("Who IS that old lady??") Most days I'm able to pop out of bed with very little aches and pains, and for that I'm extremely grateful.
But here's the thing, guys: I like my wine. And pizza. And any form of potato. I'm not giving any of these things up. However, I am trying to find that sweet spot of balance: moderation without completely derailing with nutrition. It's an ongoing battle. It's frustrating, exhausting, and some days I just want to say BLEEP it and just not worry about it. You know, eat what I want, drink all the wine, and have a life-is-too-short-so-why-not attitude.
The baby shower, though, reminded me of why I continue to eat a healthy diet and cut back on the wine and french fries. I NEED to be around for my grandkids. I NEED to be available for playtime, snuggles, and storytime. I want to set an example of what an older woman is capable of. I don't want to spend my retirement years at doctors' appointments or being cooped up at home because I'm immobile. I want to remain active and energetic.
Retirement is just a few short years away and I want to go on adventures. I want to take my grandkids on adventures. I can't do that if I have health issues. Therefore, my mission is to be a fit, healthy granny.
I started this blog so that I can document my journey. I hope you'll follow along. You might want to buckle up, though. I'm sure there will be lots of bumps along the way, as well as curves, detours, and road blocks. I'll always be moving forward, though.
