Before I get into the topic of today's blog, I just wanted to celebrate a personal best for a workout that I did today. It was arm day, and I PR'd with the chest press using 25-lb weights, along with 15-lb weights for my biceps curls. Every time I think I've plateaued and can't get any stronger, my body continues to surprise me. This granny continues to get stronger!
Okay, now onto today's topic: my purpose in life. Over the years, I've struggled with so many of life's big questions: Why am I here? What is my purpose? What will my legacy be after I die? I could never come up with an answer. I was lost and I had no sense of self or who I was. Perhaps a lot of it had to do with my career. I hadn't yet found that job that felt like the right fit. Maybe I was feeling disconnected. Or maybe I was just overthinking stuff. I think mainly, though, I had this huge expectation that in order for my life to mean something, I needed to create change in the world, that I needed to leave my mark and be remembered.
No pressure, right?
I've been doing lots and lots of self-reflection lately and I've realized some important things. One, my legacy is my family. I look at the two daughters I gave birth to and how they have grown into these two incredible women and think: wow, I did that. And then I look at my granddaughter, Leia, who is being raised by one of these incredible women and I realize that I have created some amazing future generations of people. THAT is my legacy.
Secondly, I wake up each morning excited for the day because I finally figured out my purpose in life, even though it has been there all along. I'm here on this Earth to take care of dogs, to take care of my family, and to inspire others to take care of their health. That is my purpose. It's not to cure cancer, to solve climate change, or to be President of the United States. You know what, though? Perhaps in some small way, I might inspire someone out there to take better care of their health so that they can be around to cure cancer or solve climate change. Perhaps I'll inspire someone to adopt a dog who will completely change their life and they end up adopting more dogs and inspire others to adopt more dogs.
Maybe Leia will grow up to be President of the United States and she is the catalyst for creating world peace and harmony.
The point is, we all have a purpose and we are all here for a reason. Each one of us is extraordinary and unique. My gifts are my love for my family and a desire to save all the dogs. Our gifts don't have to be big to make an impact. Just getting out of bed and going through your day could make an impact that you're not even aware of. We are making our marks and creating a legacy just by being us.
That's pretty cool, right?
And once I figured all of this out, the pressure on myself, the burden I was putting on my shoulders, was gone. I look around at my life - my home with David and the dogs, my family, my job, my stacks of books, the colorful fruits and veggies in the fridge, the dumbbells neatly arranged on the weight rack - ALL OF IT, and I'm so proud. I feel so accomplished.
Why are you here and what is your purpose? Have you figured it out?