Happy Friday! We are finally crawling out of the below-zero temps here. By Sunday we'll be back in the 40's! And spring is only 27 days away. I can't wait to get outside and get my hands in the dirt and plant some flowers and sit outside on the patio with David and the dogs and enjoy a glass of wine.
Today's workout was a second leg day of the week and it was horrible. I knew as soon as I did that first set that things were not going to go well. My grip strength sucked, my legs were immediately tired, and my nutrition yesterday was not great. Here is how the workout went:

I mean, my weights were still pretty heavy, but I've been progressing so well over the last month that it was disappointing to have to drop again. However, this is just one workout. There are lots more workouts ahead. Plenty of time for me to increase the weights.
I could have just given up or half-assed the workout, but instead I pushed through. I didn't beat myself up. I cranked up Five Finger Death Punch radio on Spotify and did the work. I'm really proud of myself for finishing the whole workout. I'll have a couple of days rest and recovery and then next week is a new week and a chance to do better.
I also have to remind myself that a week ago, I was horribly sick and while I feel so much better, I'm still dealing with a runny nose. I had to pause the workout multiple times to blow my nose. Hopefully by next week I'll be 100% healthy again. The warmer temperatures and sunshine should help a lot!