The flu kicked my ass the last week and a half. I haven't worked out in 11 days; instead, I chose to get some extra sleep and rest.
While I knew my body needed the rest, I was feeling like I would go crazy if I had to rest another day. So this morning I set my alarm and went through my regular pre-workout routine. I figured that any little bit of exercise I could get would be better than nothing.
I missed the arm workout from week 5 of my current workout program, so I decided to make it up today.

I performed better than I thought I would, considering I haven't touched a dumbbell in 11 days. I felt a bit out of breath and my arms fatigued pretty quickly, but considering we were doing triple sets, I'm okay with my choice of weights. Normally we have three sets of the burnout towards the end of the workout, but after one set, I knew I shouldn't push it. I also skipped the core exercises.
Tomorrow is another day and a chance to do a bit more than I did today. It just feels good to be back at it!