I completed week two of my 8-week workout program and man, I am so sore! Yesterday I was cleaning the house and every time I had to go down to the basement (our washer and dryer, along with cleaning supplies are down there), I debated if it was worth it! Getting up and down from the toilet has been a challenge and you would think from all the moans and groans that something was seriously wrong with me.
But no, I'm good. Just feeling the workouts.
Here is a recap of the week, starting with Monday:
We focused on chest and biceps. Lots of presses and curls. Then the trainer throws in a burnout round with push-ups and my arms felt like spaghetti by the end.
On Tuesday, I took a rest day. My daughter had to have some kidney stones removed and so while she and her husband were at the hospital, I had some bonding time with my new granddaughter:
I may be a bit biased, but I think I have the cutest, sweetest grandchild on the planet.
Back to it on Wednesday:
In this program, we have two leg days a week. This workout focused on quads and calves and oh yeah, let's just add on some HIIT exercises even though our legs have turned into complete jelly. Lots of workout words* during this one.
*Workout words: ALL the cuss words that are yelled during the course of a workout.
On Thursday we focused on the back and triceps, with some HIIT. So. Many. Planks.
Friday's workout was definitely the most challenging of the week. It was the second leg day of the week and I was still feeling the leg day from Wednesday. The workout felt like it lasted for three hours, even though it was actually only 45 minutes. But despite the difficulty, I was so proud of myself for killing the workout. I mean, look at my sumo squats - I used a 40-lb weight!
But I paid for that on Saturday (see first paragraph above). Saturday was a shoulders day. It's my favorite format of the program. We do two strengthening exercises and then a 30-second HIIT move. Repeat the whole thing two more times and then move on to the next round with two new strengthening exercises and a 30-second HIIT move. The workout flies by and I love having to only do the HIIT move for 30 seconds. No matter how difficult the HIIT move is (I'm looking at you, catchers!) you know it's only going to last for 30 seconds.
Today is a scheduled rest day. Thank the fitness gods. My muscles are so thankful.
I know, I make this stuff sound fun, don't I?
It's honestly pretty damn awesome. I put on a playlist of music that gets me fired up, usually hard rock and heavy metal, put on my lifting gloves and I get to work. There's no feeling like completing a workout that has kicked your butt. It's such a feeling of accomplishment.
I highly recommend it.
Alright, week 3 - let's see what you got for me!